Monday 12 December 2011

UK Crowdfunding Workshop to be Held February 2012

There is no denying that crowdsourcing in general, in particular crowdfunding, is becoming widespread in the UK. At a time when, to quote Simply Red, money is too tight to mention, crowdfunding provides access to funding that might previously been sought from more wealthy investors. Yet for many there are still questions and uncertainties surround crowdfunding, question which will be addressed at an upcoming crowdfunding workshop.

The event "Crowdfunding for building community, raising finance or market testing ideas" has been organised by Anne Strachan to provide extensive insight and information about crowdfunding. Anne has over 20 years experience working in the third sector, as well as extensive knowledge and success as a fundraiser. Through her blog Crowdfund UK, Anne provides an easy to follow guide to finding the right crowdfunding platform and shares her thoughts on fundraising in the digital age. 

Whether you're interest is academic or you are looking to raise funds for commercial enterprise, charitable causes, or need money for education, Anne's crowdfunding workshop is definitely for you. The event will be held at Bridge 5 Mill in Manchester, on Thursday 2nd February 2012, and tickets are now available. Lunch will be provided and there will be opportunities for one to one support and networking. If you are interested in taking part then you can click here to book tickets as an early bird participant, brief details of the agenda, and directions to the venue. 

You can also follow Anne on Twitter @crowdfunduk

Image Credit; Kennisland

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