Friday 6 January 2012

[Interview] Indie Film Makers Share Crowdfunding Success

Recently two independent film makers have enjoyed the benefits of crowdfunding giants Kickstarter and IndieGoGo in a bid to see their projects reach completion. Actor, screenwriter, and director Jayce Bartok raised $20,000 to continue filming his drama Tiny Dancer through IndieGoGo, whilst Andrew Berends, thanks to Kickstarter raised $16,000 to complete his project Delta Boys. 

The two film makers were recently interviewed by New York based creative digital agency Flightpath. Here they share their experiences of how the process empowered them yet presented its fair share of challenges;

Jayce Bartok: It was the hardest thing we’ve ever done. For those 60 days, it was just insane.
Andy Berends: Yeah. It’s awesome in a lot of respects, but I wouldn’t call it fun. For me, the first thing was you have to pretty much put aside your pride. 
For the full interview please click here.

Image Credit; Tahmid Munazâ„¢

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