Friday 13 April 2012

How to Use Facebook for Your Crowdfunding Project

In the world of Web 2.0, crowdsourcing and social media make the best bedfellows as one benefits from collaboration and the other enables it through a limitless potential of vast networks. Crowdfunding especially, depends on social media to make connections and attract potential donors. Creating a Facebook page to promote a crowdfunding project is a positive step to securing those much sought after funds, but it is important to know how to use Facebook effectively. 

Creating a page and hoping enough people from Facebooks 1 billion registered users find their way to it is not the way to start out. Ben Hamilton of the UK crowdfunding platform PleaseFundUs offers five (and a bit) pointers on how to maximise Facebook for your crowdfunding project.

Last summer witnessed Facebook reach over a billion registered users and it’s a tool that should not be ignored when it comes to crowdfunding your idea. Click here to read more.

Acknowledgements; Thanks to Ben Hamilton
Image Credits;
Javier Reyes Gomez

1 comment:

  1. Our hired SEO company helped us promote our crowdfunding project through social media. And it is indeed the best way to promote events and brands.
