Friday 18 May 2012

Crowdsourced Investigators WeGoLook Come to The UK

The likelihood of falling victim to Internet fraud can be a deterrent to shopping on-line, or it might simply be a case of needing to travel to verify that the purchase is as described. With so many reports of Internet scams and stories of millions falling foul to such tricks, crowdsourcing offers a solution to restore that lost confidence. WeGoLook offers customers the services of its crowd of investigators or "lookers" to allay fears with site visits, observations and fully personalised cost effective reports, irrespective of location. The platform already boasts a community over 7000 US based lookers, and the founders are now looking to bring their unique service to the UK.

WeGoLook was founded in Oklahoma City by Mark Caywood, Robin Smith and Mat Smith in 2010. The idea for this service came about after co-founder Mark Caywood's unsettling and expensive experience of purchasing goods from a well known bidding site. Anyone who has made a purchase online be it through bidding sites, online classified or trade sites, or any other platform can call upon one WeGoLook's verified investigators to do any of the following;

  • verify the existence and condition of sellers' property
  • provide visual confirmation which can include where appropriate a working demonstration
  • verify condition of rental property prior to signing tenancy agreement and paying deposit
  • purchase tickets on customers' behalf
  • arrange to collect and ship purchased items
  • attend events/seminars on customers' behalf and make detailed notes
  • other claim/items to be verified can also include antiques, pets, vehicles on eBay, and even on-line dates
Once the task is completed the looker then provides a full report of their findings complete with photographic and video evidence. The customer can then make an informed decision thus minimising falling foul of scams and misrepresentation. WeGoLook's move to the UK is perfectly timed with the upcoming Olympic games.

The 2012 Olympic games is sure to attract thousands of visitors to London, making it a target rich environments for potential con artists and fraudsters. The games will create be a big demand for affordable accommodation, souvenirs, and of course tickets to the games. To counter this problem WeGoLook have launched their "London Looks" service with verified UK based lookers ready to offer their unique service to visitors and citizens alike.  For more information about WeGoLook and their UK services then click here to visit their website.

Acknowledgements; Thanks to Lawrence Suss at WeGoLook

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