Monday 5 August 2013

Pubslush Offers Authors Crowdfunding Lifeline

Self publishing and crowdfunding have opened doors for authors all too familiar with the hard hitting and painful rejections from the publishing houses. Whether it was through well known platforms such as Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, or specialist platforms including Unbound and authors have secured funds, established and collaborated with potential readers and even gained access to a publishing arm. Pubslush is the latest crowdfunding platform for books of any type to raise funds and get published but also with an analytics feature to gauge and build a strong readership.

Pubslush was founded by Jesse Potash after learning about how 12 publishers had rejected J.K. Rowling's first Harry Potter novel. After much research Jesse uncovered many instances of multiple rejections of manuscripts considered to be top sellers. The principle problem identified was the lack of significant financial backing to help writers publish their work. With the possibilities of so many potential best sellers looking to grace the top spots of book stores, it was decided that a global crowdfunding platform was needed to bring a democratic quality into a cut throat industry. The platform, Pubslush is exclusively for books, whether they be printed versions or e-books, and can take any form covering all genres. 
Pubslush is 100% committed to our authors. Since Pubslush is a niche crowdfunding site meaning we are ONLY for books, we don't have as many campaigns running at once and can more easily provide our authors and users with one-on-one assistance - Justine Schofield, Pubslush
Whilst funding is a key goal to publishing successes, Pubslush offers its authors many more features to increase prospects for a successful crowdfunding campaign. Unlike most other platforms that still use the all or nothing principle, Pubslush offers a flexible funding scheme which enables project owners to keep the any funds raised at the end of the campaign, provided they reach their minimum fundraising target. The figure is usually set at $500 however project owners can set their own minimum figure. Pubslush only deducts 4% of the total funds raised, making it a competitive service provider offering project owners comprehensive support through resources and educational tools. These cover everything in bringing a book to life from writing and publishing to managing a successful crowdfunding campaign. 

At the end of any campaign project owners benefit from a key feature of Pubslush, the Marketing Analytics tool. A full report is produced with a comprehensive demographic summary providing important information on investors. Such vital data includes location, age brackets, and traffic sources, all of which should enable authors to plan an effective marketing and advertising campaign. Pubslush's support of successful campaigns extends further by helping to promote sales of the authors' books with the addition of a "Buy Book" button on the crowdfunding page. This button links directly to the book's page and any net profits from those sales go straight to the author. Publsush also monitor successful campaigns in search of suitable titles for their publishing arm Pubslush Press, the first of which entitled "A Beautiful Mess" debuted in May this year.  

Pubslush prides itself with a major focus on giving; giving opportunities and resources to authors, potentially exciting titles to readers and most importantly free books to children as part of their "One for One Movement". For every book sold Pubslush will donate one book to a child in need to help combat illiteracy around the world. The platform's first partner is Flying Kites, an orphanage in Kenya, which thanks to Pubslush's efforts received over $10,000 in September 2011. As the platform grows Pubslush hopes to expand its philanthropic literacy operations around  the world. 

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